Mission & Vision
Our mission is to support children, teenagers and young adults with Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, Autism, developmental delay and similar disorders. Our aim is to help them achieve their utmost potential, empowering them to become responsible, contributing and independent citizens regardless of their individual abilities through social and professional integration..
Our vision is to create a closed boarding community for special needs to live and function financially, socially and independently. As technology has become an essential part of our daily life we plan to integrate it into our programs.

School Inclusion Philosophy
As much as we believe in the rights of inclusion we remain aware that for certain specific special needs students it is appropriate for them not to be fully integrated in the classroom. For these students, it is important to:
– Enhance an Increased opportunity to participate with same aged peers.
– Promote awareness and acceptance of diversity
– Improve the quality of education
This is why we believe that having a center within a mainstream school is the best way to provide a mixed environment where students get the specialized attention they need- such as therapy and individualized programs- and at the same time have the opportunity to join mainstream classes accompanied by a special educator.
Being in a main stream classroom should improve the quality of education for all students while making sure that special needs students are engaged in the classroom and not merely sitting in class. The determining question when deciding where to include our students is in what environment would they prosper/benefit most

Teaching Methodology
Best practices approach that integrates ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis), one on one, direct instruction and vocational training.